Monday, March 15, 2010

week of relaxation.

Yes it is true, we are 5 days away from the big day and I had a few hours to sit and relax. This was our goal from the start to have everything we could possibly have done- done the week of the wedding. None of us wanted this week full of, "well we should have done this earlier..."

Tomorrow we do start the crazy adventure of flowers- but I am optimistic and excited because we have the beautiful and talented Mahin helping us out! Other than flowers, all thats left is finishing touches with packing (oh how I dislike packing) and rehearsal.

My mom and I keep saying to one another, "what are we going to do when this is all done?" Perhaps we will have a ceremonial recycling of all our lists- because we are excellent list makers.

So I spent some time today sitting in the sun in the living room leisurely paging through Food and Family magazines excited to have time again to cook and bake! yum :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


We went over to the Barringer's home last week to go over the music details w/ Naomi (and join them for dinner- Mexican of course :). Jim was our YP growing up, and he and his wife Naomi both had a significant impact on both of our lives...

We picked out five songs for our day, that she will be playing throughout the ceremony. Hearing her do even the partial previews of each, seriously made us almost start crying... can't wait for you to hear them on that day!

Their home is a total atmosphere of love... from the ways they teach, care for, and discipline the boys, to how they relate to each other is inspiring for our future. One thing I always thought about the two of them, is that they are living/breathing/practical examples of what following Christ really looks like in daily living... so glad our lives are connected!

2 weeks today!!!

Two weeks today we will be getting ready for our wedding!! Things are coming together as we finalize EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nesting has begun.

This past weekend Josh and a few good men showed their strength and muscle and moved us in to our new place. While I still have some things to bring over the majority is now being unpacked. We celebrated our first official day there with friends, Chipotle and a little roller derby :) and according to Josh- the place sleeps well. Only 22 more days until I am an AV resident as well!