Monday, June 22, 2009

beware of The Knot!

Word of warning for all those future brides out there that plan on signing up on The Knot- you get MUCHO MUCHO mailers and calls for all these random places and people saying, "You've been selected for the Bridal Package prize, Congratulations!"

I was not warned, I did not know, but at least now I get mail everyday!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Its all GREEK to me!

Today has been a stir crazy day for me. There was something I needed to get done today, and have been unable to pin-point exactly what I need to do. After deliberating which of my dad's suggestion on what I should do with my time- I decided to look up bridal shops in the area. AHHHHHHHH! All of them list things by designers with no pictures. It's like they think I have been planning my wedding from when I was a wee little lass- I DONT KNOW DESIGNERS. I am a visual learner with a budget. Suggestions welcome...